
We enable everyone to support their church, temple or synagogue online. With a little extra help, you can prosper and grow even in these hard times.

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Join us

Our company provides both new and traditional payment methods for you to receive contributions from your members.

Religious organizations are especially in need of financial resources these days to continue their missions. We are the solution to make sure members can send donations easily and safely, both from home and at services. 

    All around the world, religious institutions need to prioritize online donations.

Reasons to donate online.

Mobile phones

Everyone owns a smartphone these days, regardless of age.

Increase donations

Automatic weekly and monthly donations can be scheduled to increase the reliability of revenues.

Donate online

In-person collections are slow and inefficient. The internet allows collections to be more convenient and made at any time.


People of all ages are relying more and more on electronic commerce.


The online donation process is just a few clicks to use a debit or credit card.


People are carrying less cash in their wallets due to security concerns and the availability of digital payments.

Member data

Learn the demographics and habits of members to better optimize giving.


Donating electronically reduces risk and improves reliability.